Welcome to Chloe's Harbor

Raising children is hard, even on the best of days. They are a blank canvas and come with no instruction manual. The purpose of this site is to create awareness of the resources and services available in the Springfield Mo area. 

Believe it or not children do not intentionally try to make you upset or do the wrong thing. They are often simply exhibiting a need or a missing skill. They need us parents/caregivers to meet their needs, model acceptable behavior and guide them on what they should do instead of just punishing them for their missteps. I hope the resources on this site can help you create an environment of safety, love, and understanding which will build a solid foundation for helping bring about the loving family you have always dreamed of having.  

Are you or your spouse overwhelmed with life, are you sometimes losing your composure while working with your kids? There are resources to help. You ARE NOT ALONE!

Parent Stress Hotline (Confidential) 

https://www.findhelp.org/ (You can find help for just about anything at this site!)




For more resources, classes... click here

Could my daugther have Autism? 


Conscious Discipline (Positive Parenting), by Becky Bailey


Overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j3gF1dh_t4&t=80s

Safe Place https://consciousdiscipline.com/store-category/the-safe-place/#

There are 7 powers to practice within Conscious Discipline. These videos can change your life. They are….

1.       Power of Perception https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g7k3aVqw4k&t=333s

2.       Power of Unity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeXdmRYjYHI

3.       Power of Attention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LELXYeQI7kg

4.       Power of Free Will https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnAW1q0d054

5.       Power of Acceptance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMWQO-77mVQ&t=537s

6.       Power of Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjl6dSrIiW0

7.       Power of intention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWNN8UnYPuI

For more resources click here

Free, in-person positive parenting classes in South Springfield 

(Dinner and Childcare provided)

Call the Jungle Gym for more info at 417-319-5595 or email lward@cpozarks.org to register